Travel to Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda during the COVID-19 pandemic: frequently asked questions about quarantine, visas, immigration, Entebbe airport, international bus travel and borders.
[Please note: 1) I updated info on this post 30th October 2020 and 2) Entebbe Airport photos used in this article taken pre-pandemic].
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had a lot of questions from Ugandans, Kenyans and expats of different nationalities who want to travel to Uganda. I cannot promise everything on this page is up-to-date. You’re welcome to contact me directly, as the people below did, if you are unsure of anything.
- Do you want to travel to Uganda?
- Are you waiting for Entebbe Airport to reopen? [Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st]
- Are you applying for a Uganda or Kenya tourist visa online?
- Do you want to travel by air or bus between Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya? [Although Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st, land borders with Rwanda have not reopened so there are no international buses. Buses between Uganda and Kenya resumed but Nairobi went into lockdown in March 2021 so buses between Kampala and Nairobi went back on hold].
- When will Uganda’s airport open again? [Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st]
Uganda Travel Enquiry # 1
Hi I want to travel to Kampala on 20th of August but I currently haven’t organized it yet. Must I have a work permit because am only going there for a project?
Leila, Kenya, August 9th 2020 in response to MASH-tastic – the muzungu’s bus tips from Kampala to Nairobi.
The Muzungu replied:
International bus routes between Uganda and Kenya are still closed [October 30th 2020] and Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport will not be open until mid-September at the earliest (according to a good source). [Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st]
If you are coming here to work or volunteer, you will need a work permit. You would normally be able to enter the country on a single entry tourist visa and then apply for your work permit however, one case varies from another.
For info, read how to apply for your Uganda visa online.
To contact Uganda Immigration directly, use their Facebook page. Before the pandemic, immigration would normally reply within 24 hours but they have reduced staff at the moment.
My feeling is that you will not be travelling on the 20th August but good luck and let me know how it goes! Safe journey.
Uganda Travel Enquiry # 2
Hello: I’ve followed your blog since coming to Africa and it is highly informative and well done. I’m a U.S. businessman trapped in Nairobi on lockdown. You clearly have a feel for what’s going on in East Africa, so I had a hunch you might know something about the border travel situation. I was initially in Kampala for a month in October 2019 and then did a month of volunteer work in Nyanza en route to business in Nairobi. I’d hoped to be here briefly so I could return to Kampala to wrap up various issues before departing Africa. But here I still am. I’ve read news reports online saying there’s pressure on the Uganda government to reopen Entebbe. I’ve called Mash POA and EasyCoach who both tell me there’s no Nairobi / Kampala travel and they don’t know when it will resume. Do you have any notion or rumor that you might be kind enough to share?
Peter, Nairobi, August 7th 2020
The Muzungu replied:
Yes Peter, there is mounting pressure on the Ugandan government to reopen Entebbe International Airport. I am following developments closely and will let you know if I hear anything positive re the airport or land borders.
Sorry to hear that you got marooned in Nairobi. When President Museveni closed the schools, I made sure I raced back upcountry… and here I have remained since March. You might enjoy some of my #LockdownDiaries from Kibale Forest in Western Uganda.
Read my blog Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st.
Uganda Travel Enquiry # 3
Hello dear Charlotte, I am glad to hear despite these difficult times which the whole world is in a kind of depression, that you didn’t lose your positive attitude.
I am somehow happy for Uganda that it is not affected by Covid like the neighbouring countries. Hope soon the airport will start functioning again so that I can board a plane. Any idea when the airport is going to be available for us to fly back?
I wish you the best and thanks for your efforts keeping Uganda’s safaris, wildlife and tourism alive.
Sako, Beirut, August 7th 2020
The Muzungu replied:
The government said it would reopen Entebbe International Airport on August 1 (but that hasn’t happened). A lot of people are putting pressure on to reopen Uganda’s airport. I will let you know in case I hear of anything. Read my blog Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st.
Yes things are okay so far in Uganda (August 7th) and I’m very happy to be in Kibale Forest. Nature is keeping me positive.
Uganda Travel Enquiry # 4
Thanks a lot for the updates and all the helpful information you have offered. Am planning to travel to Kampala in November just for leisure. Can that be possible with this Corona issue at hand? Any new updates please?
Monica, Kenya, 23rd August in response to MASH-tastic – the muzungu’s bus tips from Kampala to Nairobi.
The Muzungu replied:
Unfortunately it’s impossible to say what the situation is going to be like in November. As of this moment, I’m sure you are aware that Entebbe Airport and Uganda’s borders all remain closed. Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st.
However – once you get here – public transport around Uganda is operating but taking fewer passengers (for a higher fee of course!)
The number of coronavirus infections hit a peak yesterday [end of August 2020] with 318 new cases reported and there are rumours that Kampala may go into lockdown again. I spoke to several friends in Kampala today and they’ve all advised me to stay away longer as most people aren’t social distancing nor are they wearing masks properly, especially when you go downtown to the busiest areas. Let’s hope coronavirus peaks quickly and you are able to travel here in November 2020.
I would advise you not to make any travel plans until you can be absolutely sure it’s safe – and convenient – to travel. You wouldn’t want to get here and then spend all your time in quarantine (at your expense!) Currently there is 14 days quarantine for those (very few) people who are coming into Uganda (on special repatriation flights etc). [UPDATE 30th October 2020: you can enter Uganda with proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test. For those who test positive, self-quarantine is advised in most circumstances].
You may also find these blogs helpful:
Bracing ourselves for Coronavirus in Uganda. Published March 2020 and updated regularly with lots of health advice about COVID-19 / Coronavirus and many useful links.
Advice from the US Embassy in Kampala: Now is the time to take precautions. Published August 2020.
Uganda’s tourism private-sector demand airport reopening. Published August 2020.
Entebbe International Airport, Uganda, reopened October 1st 2020.
Uganda Travel Enquiry # 5
Thank you so much for sharing your insights and experience.
Paolo, August 21st in response to What is the east Africa Tourist Visa? A definitive guide.
After all the craziness of covid has passed, I’m planning to visit Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya.
My questions are
1. How soon can I apply for an online East African Visa with Uganda as my first port of entry? Can I apply as early as three months before my planned departure from my home country?
2. With Uganda as the port of entry, how high is the success rate in obtaining an East African visa online? If an application is denied, what are the usual reasons for denial?
The Muzungu replied:
Let me advise you based on recent past knowledge. I spoke to someone in Uganda Immigration today and I know things are working really slowly at the moment so we are all going to have to be patient (and bear in mind things may not work the way they did pre-pandemic).
1. Yes you can apply three months in advance. That is the maximum.
2. Regarding the success rate, I can’t give you a figure. I think it’s pretty straightforward to get it approved, in fact I haven’t met anyone whose application has been denied. Once upon a time, Uganda (for example) would ask you to prove that you were planning to visit Rwanda and Kenya and would ask for itineraries or hotel confirmations showing ‘onward travel’ but that has not been happening recently.
When things were working normally, it would be quick to get tourist visa approval online (within one week). General reasons for a visa being declined are that you have not submitted all the forms that they have requested.
Hope that answers your questions. If not, ping me another message
Kenya Travel Enquiry
How long does it take to get East African Visa via Kenya online?
Daria, August 5th 2020 in response to What is the east Africa Tourist Visa? A definitive guide.
The Muzungu replied:
I could not find an exact answer to your question but I have been in contact with tour operator friends in Kenya who shared this:
Note that: “Kenyan immigration is advising that all passengers requiring visa to enter Kenya need to apply online. Visa application on arrival into Kenya will also be done online. Cash payments for visas on arrival will NOT be allowed. Visa cards will however be accepted.”
Kenya High Commission in the UK issued a Communique on the resumption of international air travel to Kenya on 1st August 2020.
It states “All arriving passengers on international flights whose body temperature is NOT above 37.5° C (99.5°F); do NOT have a persistent cough, difficulty in breathing or other flu-like symptoms; have negative PCR based COVID – 19 test carried out within 96 hours before travel and are from countries considered low to medium risk COVID – 19 transmission areas shall be exempt from quarantine.

The communique lists “countries from which travelers will be exempt from quarantine” but (how up to date is that list?) Note that “review of countries will be undertaken by Ministry of Health on day to day basis… the risk profile of any country could change and therefore the status with regard to these clarifications and directives could also change.”
i am not gping to Uganda bnut i am going to Ghana i am in search pf a husband and i hope to find one there
Good luck! But why Ghana?
September 2 2020
“Covid team okays borders, airport opening
“The taskforce recommended that Entebbe airport and borders should reopen on October 1.”
NOTE this is a recommendation only. We don’t have an official reopening date yet.
No Date Yet for Resumption of Commercial Flights – UCAA
13 Sep 2020
In early September a list of flights were circulated.
“The Uganda Civil Aviation Authority Manager of Public Affairs, Vianney Luggya told Uganda Radio Network that this was not a final schedule, but a draft sent to the operators, who were asked to give their input for a final plan.”
Please I want to know, how long can i stay in Uganda if am invited by a friend,(Ugandan) and when am in Uganda can I apply for a long stay visa, temporary residential and work permit?
You can enter Uganda on a tourist visa. 90 days is max you’ll get at airport but request it or they’ll give you less than that. You can then extend it in Kampala at no extra cost. You can be on one single entry tourist visa for six months before you need to leave the country / get a work permit.
‘Long stay visa or temporary residency’ don’t exist. Read my blog about the Uganda tourist visa for more tips.
Hello Muzungu,
Can you tell me if there have been any change in the requirements for a Uganda visa?
And do you know where I can find the latest update on which countries are welcome in Uganda and which are not?
Thank you in advance and stay healthy!
Greetings, Anne
Hello Anne, thanks for your good wishes
Sorry for slow reply but I first checked your questions with my immigration advisor.
He confirmed that there are no changes to the Uganda visa system.
Ref where I can find the latest update on which countries are welcome in Uganda and which are not? please visit the Uganda Immigration website http://www.immigration.go.ug
Good luck and safe travels!
Hi jst wondering wen interstate buses resume so I can travel to Kenya. Thanx
Hi Fredrick, the Uganda / Kenya border is open again but I contacted MASH office in River Road Nairobi today and they say “buses are yet to resume cross border services for passengers.”
However it is possible to fly to Uganda, if that is an option for you.
Entebbe Airport reopened October 1st 2020.
Hi have cross boarder buses resumed coz Wana travel by road to Nairobi thanx
Last time I checked with Mash office in Nairobi – middle of October 2020 – cross-border buses were not running. I read that COVID numbers are increasing a lot in Kenya just now.
Hi for us we are tied in when we going back to Uganda
I don’t really get you?
I would like to travel to uganda by December but I don’t know if the land broader is operating am in kenya right now
Hi Sarah, it’s hard to say whether the international buses will be running between Uganda and Kenya this December. They are not running at the moment.
I’ve been in contact with the Mash booking office in Nairobi and government has not give them any clarification on when services may resume. However, people are crossing on foot (with their negative Covid test certificates). Apparently you can get a bus to the border, walk across and then get another bus.
For example, Mash are operating the bus between Mombasa and Malaba border.
Other operators are managing bus services from Busia to Nairobi and Malaba to Nairobi.
I will share more information as I hear it. Safe travels.
Thanks a lot for the information!
I would like to go to East Africa in February-March, do you know if it is possible to do by car? I want to visit Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and maybe also Tanzania and DRC. Is it possible to take the test for Rwanda while I am in Uganda, for example?
Dear Mila
Yes all of that is possible. Use the East Africa tourist visa to arrive in Kenya / Uganda and Rwanda and explore those three countries before you head to Tanzania and DRC because once out of the EATV zone, East Africa tourist visa will be invalid and you will need to buy more visas.
Yes, there are many places in Uganda where you can get the PCR COVID test, e.g. if going to Rwanda. The road border to a Rwanda is currently closed however, except for cargo. We hope this will be sorted out by the New Year.
(Apologies for slow reply. Your message got stuck in my spam!)
Hi the Mzungu,
I would like to travel to Uganda in the next 2 weeks. That’s December 5th. Am Kenyan from Nairobi! From your replies here seems like this is now possible to go through immigration as long as you have a valid COVID-19 certificate right?
I take a border bus to busia and the cross on foot to the other side after passing through migration and board a bus to Kampala right?
Thanks so much
Hello Ogoti, habari gani? Yes you got it – this is the info I was given by a reliable contact in River Road. (I haven’t tried this route myself).
I note that international buses have resumed between Uganda and Tanzania so let’s hope buses between Uganda and Kenya resume soon too.
Remember to take your Yellow Fever Certificate as well – and your mask
Safari njema