Flying into Uganda? Latest health rules at Entebbe International Airport [UPDATED]
Oct 4, 24

Ministry of Health Uganda

This page is updated regularly and supercedes all previously published Uganda health-related travel info. Here I share updates on disease outbreaks and health screening at Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport.

Tropical diseases in Uganda

We praise the Pearl of Africa for her astounding biodiversity (so we shouldn’t be surprised that’s reflected in the bacteria and viruses too). That said, the country is quick to nip outbreaks in the bud: Ebola, Marburg and Zika are just a few of that have hit the headlines. Thankfully, Uganda has high level support from international medical agencies, such as Center for Disease Control, and my advice to travelers is: try not to worry about any of these (very rare) diseases. (I’ve lived in Uganda for 15 years by the way). In my opinion, the Ministry of Health’s X account is the best source for the latest health info.

COVID-19 in Uganda – summary

UPDATE September 2024: I have been through Entebbe Airport this month and at no point did I hear the dreaded words “COVID” “PCR” or even “Yellow Fever certificate” mentioned. HALLELUJAH.

At the time of writing, a small number of cases of M-pox have been identified in Uganda (and Rwanda and the DRC) but we are not unduly worried. M-Pox is infectious but can easily be treated with antibiotics.

Entebbe Airport Uganda. COVID-19 testing 2021. Diary of a Muzungu
COVID-19 testing on arrival at Entebbe Airport Uganda in 2021. Under the mask is Diary of a Muzungu 😉

Arrivals at Entebbe Airport

The arrivals process at Entebbe International Airport follows this order:

  • Sanitise hands [now optional].
  • Have documents checked:
  • Yellow Fever certificate [mine wasn’t checked in September 2024].
  • Pass through immigration. (If you are a tourist, it’s imperative that you apply for your Uganda tourist visa online in advance. Some airlines will not allow you to board without your visa approval letter. For the latest info, read Uganda tourist visas and East Africa Tourist Visas. I frequently answer visa-related enquiries.
  • Collect your checked-in luggage.
  • If you need an ATM or Forex (foreign exchange), you can access both by the baggage carousel.
  • Pass luggage (including cabin bags) through scanner.
  • If you are a tourist, the Uganda Tourism Board has an information desk and seating just past the baggage collection area. UTB staff are on hand to make phone calls and order taxis, for example. This service is available for all tourists, 24 hours a day, even for those who travel independently. This initiative is spearheaded by Lilly Ajarova, CEO of the Uganda Tourism Board.
  • Entebbe Airport has free WiFi.
  • Exit airport.
  • Enjoy fabulous Ugandan weather!

Departures from Entebbe Airport

  • (Although this advice is historical, I can’t confirm that every destination has removed pandemic restrictions).
  • Travelers departing Entebbe International Airport are required to know, understand, and interpret COVID-19 requirements of both the country they are travelling to and the airline they are flying with.
  • The muzungu adds: I advise having a screenshot or print-out of your COVID-19 vaccination / negative COVID PCR certificate. Print facilities are available at Entebbe Airport but you will need to allow extra time to go to lower ground floor of arrivals.

Yellow Fever in Uganda – summary

Yellow Fever vaccinations are now valid for life, says the World Health Organization, so no boosters are needed. You can just show a copy of your certificate on your phone on arrival at Entebbe. No Yellow Fever certificate? You can have the jab at Entebbe Airport. This costs $40 (however, it takes ten days to take effect so do have the injection before you enter Uganda, if you can). If you lose your certificate, you should try and avoid having another shot, experts advise.

That said, there’s very little risk of getting Yellow Fever in Uganda. There was a handful of suspected infections in early 2022 but the minor outbreak was quickly contained.

Which diseases should I worry about if I’m travelling to Uganda?

Your biggest health concern should be How to avoid malaria. I’m not medically qualified but I have plenty of personal tips to share, based on my 15 years living in Uganda. You might also enjoy Uganda travel advice I ignored!

Are you planning to travel to Uganda soon? The Travel Directory has a list of tour operators who can help you plan a trip. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any travel questions.

30 thoughts on “Flying into Uganda? Latest health rules at Entebbe International Airport [UPDATED]”

  1. the muzungu says:

    The lobbying continues…!
    When I complained to my dad about how confusing Uganda’s communications are, he just shrugged and said that the UK has not done a better job. That kinda makes me feel better!
    There is no denying the fact that it is more complicated to travel these days. However, we still need to reconnect, get new perspectives and reunite with friends, family and ‘our greater purpose’.
    Travel is possible, it just requires more planning and a little patience.
    There are likely to be delays wherever you go, so please still #VisitUganda. We miss all our visitors!

  2. Charlotte Beauvoisin says:

    Compulsory COVID-19 testing on arrival for all passengers flying into Entebbe, Uganda.
    Cost is 30 USD per person.
    This measure is now live
    Exceptions are children under 6.
    The story below links to the latest announcement from Uganda Civil Aviation Authority.

  3. Ben says:

    I arrived in Entebbe yesterday (29 Oct) and had to go through this mandatory PCR nonsense.

    It really reeks of a scam to pay for the new airport building.

    Uganda just isn’t as welcoming as it used to be. Immigration on the Busia border crossing are lining their pockets with bribes. The police are no better.

    Really sad to see. Uganda has the potential to be the Thailand of Africa.

    1. the muzungu says:

      In Uganda, we talk of “Covidpreneurs!”

      We also say that you have to pick your battles, and this is one of them. Uganda is a wonderful country but the attitude of some of her government institutions do a disservice to her inhabitants and visitors alike. Still, we come! I passed through Entebbe yesterday and the system has improved a little.

  4. Michelle says:

    My husband and I arrived in Entebbe on November 10th and this was our experience. I agree with your post that preregistration is key!! We had done that so things were quick. We were at the airport at 2pm and it was quite busy. Most people had not preregistered and paid so that tent was very hectic. We were done everything and out of the airport in 45 minutes. I received my results in an hour and my husband in two. My only criticism would be that it’s disorganized in the sense that you don’t know where to go. There is no flow to the system. Other than that, it was fine.

    1. the muzungu says:

      Thanks very much Michelle for sharing your experience.
      The “flow to the system” wasn’t clear, was it? Some staff were there telling people where to go but signage on floors or walls etc would help. Chairs had been placed to encourage social distancing but people don’t want to line up so chairs are moved and everyone crowds around the admin staff.

  5. the muzungu says:

    I received this question:

    Thank you for your very helpful post on travelling to Uganda under the new travel rules. You mentioned you could be contacted directly to ask for advise.
    I’m travelling to Entebbe and am understanding that I need to take a PCR before leaving UK as well as on arrival to Entebbe.
    However, the 72 hour rule does confuse me. I should have my test results by the time I depart but as I’m flying via Dubai I won’t arrive to Entebbe until approx 76hrs after the PCR in the UK.
    Do you think this will become an issue or is the 72hr timeline in your experience for prior to boarding first flight?

    I replied:

    I imagine you will be fine. I don’t think anyone is checking the test certificates carefully. I have taken several flights in the last three months and I don’t remember anyone using the QR code, for example. They have looked at my print-out so quickly that they can’t possibly have checked anything other than the word ‘negative’.

    A note shared by a fellow expat states: the 72 hours is from time of sample to departure from country of origin. This means that if your trip is 10 hours than your PCR can be 72+10 hours at arrival.

  6. Charlotte Beauvoisin says:

    I am very sad to report that on Wednesday 17th November, bombs exploded in central Kampala.

    I have spent most of the last 12 years living in Uganda’s capital. In fact I lived here in 2011 when a number of suicide bombers killed many people. Those were horrendous acts that targeted groups of innocent Ugandans watching the World Cup. We have had no attacks like that in a decade and we are still here; we did not let fear change us.

    Yesterday’s attack was different however: the targets were police and government (Parliament) and – as appalling as that is – I feel that the Ugandan population and visitors alike should not feel intimidated.

    I will be more careful if I am near crowds and I will be more vigilant. However, the world has always had terrorists. (I lived in London when bombers blew up buses and trains and left bombs in pubs!) The Ugandan army and international missions are on high alert.

    If you’re coming to Uganda on holiday, you are very unlikely to enter Kampala. The traditional safari route is to drive from Entebbe straight upcountry. However, if you do have any questions about yesterday’s bombings and security in the country, please feel free to message me directly.

  7. Pearl says:

    Thank you for the reassurance above. You are right it can happen anywhere. What a wonderful website you have developed, you seem to cover everything a visitor would ike to know. Take care

    1. the muzungu says:

      Dear Pearl
      Difficult times here in UG but thanks for passing by. Webale kusiima as we say in Buganda – thank you for appreciating!

      1. the muzungu says:

        On 17.11.21, the Association of Uganda Tour Operators issued a press release about the bombs in Kampala.
        “With assurance from our security forces, we the Association of Uganda Tour Operators can confirm that the situation in Kampala particularly and Uganda in general, is calm, peaceful and security is stable,” AUTO said, adding that “All means of transport, flight schedules including at Entebbe international Airport are operating normally”.
        Here is a copy of their statement.
        Press release from Association of Uganda Tour Operators regarding bombs in Kampala. Issued 17.11.21

  8. Charlotte Beauvoisin says:

    Harriet Fowler shared the following experience:
    If anyone still has questions on COVID-19 PCR testing on arrival at Entebbe Airport, I registered and paid for my test two days ago from the UK, using a laptop and Chrome. Paid with a debit card. The whole thing took about 5 minutes. Print your documents before you travel (they wanted to see mine at KQ check-in in London).
    The signs at Entebbe Airport however are not that clear. There were few people on my flight so it wasn’t an issue but if you are faced with huge queues you want to get in the right queue. If you’ve paid in advance you go the left hand queue of the 3 payment queues – the sign says something about payment verification – don’t go in the queue for online pre-registration (this is the desk for people who haven’t done anything in advance!). Then you go for the test, which is one nostril only. Again it was all pretty quick but there weren’t many passengers. I got my results by email about 5 hours later.

    Another expat, Bernie Furey, added that
    Yesterday in Dublin airport KLM were not allowing passengers to proceed without the QR code for the Entebbe mandatory PCR arrival test.

  9. the muzungu says:

    Here’s a recent email exchange that some may find useful:

    I understand it is best to pre-register for the COVID test online here
    I have some questions about this form. It asks for a phone number and next of kin while in Uganda, with “residents” in parentheses – does this mean only residents fill that box or does it want the phone number of the resident I’m staying with? It is a mandatory field to complete. Further down on the form it asks for the hotel where I will be staying while awaiting results, however, my intent is to be picked up by my host (I’ll be staying with a family) in Kampala. Should I stay the first night at a hotel instead? The form also asks for a local travel agency/company and name of tour operator; however, I imagine I just type in my friend’s name?

    I replied:

    It certainly is best to preregister for the Covid test online. It will save you a bit of time at the airport.
    You are not a resident so if that field is mandatory I would just write in your friend’s name and phone number. Ditto for the other field in the form. You do not have to stay at a hotel for the first night, you just have to have a name and contact number in case of contact tracing etc.

  10. Cha says:

    No Passenger Locator Form is needed when you fly into Entebbe.
    I’ve been asked this question are some countries do have passenger locator forms but others don’t. At one point, passengers had do fill in a registration form before boarding a plane to EBB but that is no longer the case. Verbatim feedback from a traveller this week:
    “I’ve checked in at Heathrow airport now and have a boarding pass ready to board and fly. There was no request for filling in a passenger locator form here.”

  11. the muzungu says:

    If you have queries relating to Uganda tourist visas:
    In June 2022, the government launched a call centre that is open from 7am to 7pm Uganda time (with plans for it to be operated 24 hours at some stage).
    +256 417 102600
    In Uganda call toll free 0800199003 or 0800199004.
    One expat said he called a number this week and was on hold for twenty minutes.

  12. Matt says:


    We are flying into Uganda tomorrow, and booked the wrong entry point for our EATV entering in Kenya. We just applied to do it again for Uganda. Got one done and working on the second, is there any chance at all we will actually be able to leave tomorrow? We planned a 14 day trip and we’re so excited to visit these wonderful countries!

    1. the muzungu says:

      Hi Matt hope you’re having a fantastic trip!

      For other travelers ref, I copy here our email conversation:
      Diary of a Muzungu wrote: Hard to answer your question especially since it is the weekend. However I am forwarding your email to an immigration advisor who has managed to expedite a number of visas for travelers to Uganda. Travelers can email their application IDs and he can get approval in one or two days. Note: The adviser will charge for this service. The adviser managed to get the visa approval letter for Matt within 24 hours.

      Matt added:
      We are so excited! We have a few friends over there and they got back to my wife right after I emailed yall!
      Your blog/website/company is awesome btw. So absolutely helpful! Totally recommending it to all our friends who wish to travel over there.
      Honestly, I think the biggest hiccup why people don’t travel to Africa more is there is a massive dearth of reliable travel content. More content the better! It lets folks know you are a real human. Lol

  13. Paolo says:

    Hi Charlotte. I have been fully vaccinated and boosted for COVID. I have also been vaccinated for yellow fellow. My question really is about Ebola. Is Ebola sufficiently controlled there? Are there Ebola cases in Kampala as well as in other touristy areas in Uganda.

    Thank you in advance for your response.

    1. the muzungu says:

      Hi Paolo
      We are pretty confident that Ebola is outbreak is almost behind us. There have been no new cases in several weeks. We have to wait 48 days without a new infection before the outbreak is declared officially over, according to the World Health Organisation. Uganda has world-class systems in place for managing Ebola.
      There have been no cases in tourist areas of Uganda.
      Have you read my blog about Ebola?

  14. Maria says:

    Hi Charlotte,
    Do I still need to complete this form: Travel Health Declaration Form?

    1. the muzungu says:

      Hi Maria, there is no Traveller Health form to fill in. (Uganda announced one a few weeks ago then quickly withdrew it).

  15. Charlotte Beauvoisin says:

    This article from October 2022 is about verification of yellow fever certificates at a Uganda land border and it refers to “the online verification exercise of Yellow Fever certification at Entebbe Airport.”
    Basically, when you apply for your tourist visa, you will need to upload a copy of your yellow fever cerificate.
    Yellow fever vaccinations are available at the airport (but I’m not sure how you complete a visa application without one…!)

  16. Richard Bansberg says:

    Hi Charlotte,

    We received our Tourist e-visa less than 24 hours after applying online. However, the cover letter provided with the e-visa was confusing in that it requested that we provide additional documents (see below) upon arrival in Uganda. I’m assuming only a passport, yellow fever certificate and airline return ticket are needed when arriving as a tourist and the other stated documents are needed for other types of visas?

    Do you know if that is correct?


    Your application for Visa has been approved for 90 Day/s. Payments for permits and passes should be made in the names of the applicant.

    For continuing with the process, please report to immigration with the printed approval letter attached and the following ORIGINAL documents for biometric capture:

    * A letter stating reason for transit and country of destination
    * Return Ticket
    * Cover letter detailing the purpose of visit
    * Support Document for the purpose of visit (Medical)
    * Immigration Status of the Host
    * Return Ticket
    * Invitation Letter
    * Invitation letter for the Conference
    * Recent Passport-size Photograph
    * Passport bio-data page (with validity of at least 6 months))
    * Vaccination Certificate (Yellow Fever)

    Please, be aware that with the attached approval letter you do not need to fill an arrival declaration card.

    1. the muzungu says:

      Thanks for taking the time to share your experience getting a tourist visa.
      I believe I replied via email.

  17. jw says:

    Some countries have requirements about coming FROM Uganda due to Ebola. In the US, you must go through specific airports for extra screening.
    Jan 13, 2022:

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the CDC announced entrance screening for travelers who have been in Uganda in the last 21 days. All U.S.-bound passengers who have been in Uganda at any point in the 21 days prior to their arrival will be routed to one of the following designated airports: New York (JFK), Newark (EWR), Atlanta (ATL), Chicago (ORD), or Washington (IAD), where they will undergo enhanced screening, including a health questionnaire and temperature checks. This applies to all passengers, including U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and foreign nationals (to include those on diplomatic and official visas).

  18. The Uganda CAA (civil aviation authority) has banned all Entebbe Airport staff from using their mobile phones at work, as a way to combat corruption, extortion and misconduct against travellers. This follows reports that went viral on social media of corruption and extortion against travellers.
    The Muzungu adds: cases of this happening to international tourists are rare. This kind of activity appears to have targeted Ugandans. Either way, it’s good to hear strong action has been taken.

  19. Chris says:

    You might want to update this article again. I believe that testing for covid testing is no longer required (conditionally).,COVID%2D19%2Drelated%20regulations.

    1. the muzungu says:


      My habit has been to quote local sources like Uganda government / Civil Aviation Authority but I haven’t had any updates since end of Fenruaty 2023.

      However, I have been in/out of Entebbe Airport this month and at no point did I hear the dreaded words “COVID” “PCR” or “certificate” mentioned. HOORAY.

  20. Sadna says:

    Does anyone who has never been vaccinated and so are still unvaccinated for covid, need to provide a test 72 hours before arrival into Entebbe Airport in 2024?

    1. the muzungu says:

      Hi Sadna you don’t need to be vaccinated to travel to Uganda. There are no COVID-related questions asked anymore.
      [Sorry for delayed response. Your email was in spam].

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