Can’t believe I have only been here in Namuwongo one week!
Rain is now coming down hard, outside the internet cafe in Namuwongo, essentially a large village outside the city of Kampala. It’s like the West Indies 20+ years ago, poor, very dusty and ramshackle, banana palms and colourful shacks. I feel very welcome and not a hint of trouble (I’m the only muzungu it seems).
Tried calling home but mobile won’t work at the moment and no elec (and therefore internet or hot water) in new home since Friday. Can send and receive texts but will keep them short / few as not sure how much they cost yet.
Mozzies have been annoying but I’m living with it and no ‘You Know Whats’** in the house tho a big one did fly onto my plate as I ate out one night! I am being very grown up about it tho.
It’s been great to have Simpson (the gate boy) around this w/end. He’s between school and uni, just saving up for his fees. What a lovely young man he is, very tall and dark with fine elegant features and beautiful manners, so charming and helpful. He has kept me sane actually in my battle with the mozzies. They have been relentless! Luckily I also have Johnny and Julie (house lizards) on my side.
Settling in well tho I know Patrick (UCF Project Officer) has been getting v stressed about the (lack of) electricity situation. Simpson seems to think it’ll be back on Monday for the week. I didn’t expect anything to be fixed over the w/end so am taking it ‘mpola mpola’ (slowly) and slowing down my expectations.
I recognised Patrick as soon as I saw him.
Our Luganda lessons had taught us the importance of formality so I was taken aback when he gave me a big bear hug!!
I used my few words of Luganda to great effect when we arrived at the house / office; I held out my hand and said ‘osiibye otya’ (good afternoon) and Enid and Sophie went crazy, screaming for a good five minutes. I thought Enid was going to expire! It was so funny and a tremendous welcome.
Eva (the house girl) made my room look very pretty and welcoming and I know everyone has been putting a lot of effort into sorting out the office and making me feel welcome too.
Oh can’t wait to visit! But will avoid both rainy seasons and time it for the least mossie time. Will send Pa to a hypnotist to get him “comfortable with cockroaches”. The staff sound lovely and you had better teach us some Luganda over the net so that we can be polite as well. Keep well, keep steamin’ honey and how about that dung?
Hi Charlotte, it sounds like you’ve been there forever, not sure I could cope with all the mozzies though – did anyone tell you about the miracle anti mozzie stuff that is Avon skin so soft?! I’m amazed you have internet cafes over there, with so much poverty, the world is a strange place isn’t it?! Do let me know if any of the folk you meet want a penpal – pen and paper or email, either is fine! Stay well and have fun! Liz x
Hi Charlotte, finally got round to getting in touch with Sonia Mclintock, the lady I mentioned to you with connections to Uganda and Rwanda. She has a safari business among other interests in the countries. Sonia was very keen to get in touch and might already have responded. She’s in the UK at the moment and her mobile is 0771261 3887. She too works in marketing and specialises in innovative road repair methods and is currently in discussion with Ugandian Government over a contract so you should have a lot in common.
It was very interesting to read your first blog. It sounds a great adventure. John
Thanks for the comments, Liz K, Liz Beau and John, apologies for joint reply, no internet at all in Nam’ for 3 days and want to be back home before dark…
Liz K – great idea re penpal, I’m sure I will get lots of interest! Will get back to you.
Liz Beau / Ma – dung collection project not started yet (bureaucracy issue!)
John – thanks very much for the contact in Uganda. Will def make contact, wd you mind giving me her email address? Have to avoid calling if poss. Glad you’re enjoying blog! Fun writing it, not so fun trying to publish it!!
Really appreciate the feedback everyone, please keep it coming.
Charlotte x x
Bingo!! Finally managed to log in without help!!! Glad all going well for you. Will write more when I know this works! Love Sally