*STOP PRESS* The muzungu has just been interviewed by the Indie newspaper
The UK’s Independent has been running a series on what people do if they get made redundant and VSO came up as an option. This has generated another article on people’s reasons for doing VSO (or being a VSO volunteer). They wanted to talk to another six of us so I volunteered (this seems to be a theme….!)
Well no point being in marketing unless you’re a Media Whore (that’s my excuse!) I had the opportunity to mention Uganda Conservation Foundation (my employer to be) so fingers crossed UCF gets a mention. I am supposed to be raising their profile, so fingers crossed: should be brownie points for me 🙂
Only downside is what I will look like (photographer coming tomorrow) with big scabs on my face post-op to remove moles! Perhaps I should’ve thought this one through …
Read “An army of altruists. VSO boosted by record rise in number of recruits.” The Independent, UK.
If you enjoy this one, you might like to visit my Interviews page.
You looked positively scab free my dear! What a great spread you got, two whole pages!
We all had great fun being interviewed and the UCF Trustees are really chuffed that the charity got a mention. And I looked GORGEOUS (after – ahem – my request for photographer to do some Photoshop on me!!)
Ten years later and I have written extensively about my life as a VSO volunteer in Uganda. It has without doubt been the most incredible experience!