Read the Independent on Sunday!
Jan 29, 09

VSO. An army of altruists. Charlotte Beauvoisin in The Independent, UK

*STOP PRESS* The muzungu has just been interviewed by the Indie newspaper

The UK’s Independent has been running a series on what people do if they get made redundant and VSO came up as an option. This has generated another article on people’s reasons for doing VSO (or being a VSO volunteer). They wanted to talk to another six of us so I volunteered (this seems to be a theme….!)

Well no point being in marketing unless you’re a Media Whore (that’s my excuse!) I had the opportunity to mention Uganda Conservation Foundation (my employer to be) so fingers crossed UCF gets a mention. I am supposed to be raising their profile, so fingers crossed: should be brownie points for me 🙂

Only downside is what I will look like (photographer coming tomorrow) with big scabs on my face post-op to remove moles! Perhaps I should’ve thought this one through …

Read “An army of altruists. VSO boosted by record rise in number of recruits.” The Independent, UK.

If you enjoy this one, you might like to visit my Interviews page.

7 thoughts on “Read the Independent on Sunday!”

  1. lizziema says:

    You looked positively scab free my dear! What a great spread you got, two whole pages!

  2. Charlie says:

    We all had great fun being interviewed and the UCF Trustees are really chuffed that the charity got a mention. And I looked GORGEOUS (after – ahem – my request for photographer to do some Photoshop on me!!)

  3. the muzungu says:

    Ten years later and I have written extensively about my life as a VSO volunteer in Uganda. It has without doubt been the most incredible experience!

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