How do you catch a house gecko?
Nov 10, 09

Kampala house gecko loves mosquitoes

The house gecko living in my bathroom is getting fatter and fatter by the day.

house gecko on skirting board

One of the house geckos on the skirting board in my bedroom

My nice white walls are peppered with little black droppings. There’s no way Mr Gecko will fit back through the thin gap by the window frame. His greed for mosquito breakfast, mosquito lunch and ‘guess what?’ for dinner has led to a self-imposed life of confinement.

I rarely see more than a flash of his growing gecko body as he darts behind the toilet cistern as soon as I approach – but the evidence of his presence is there, everywhere.

I’m happy to accommodate anyone who likes eating mosquitoes, but am getting a bit tired of his idea of ‘home decoration.’

Enough already!

But how do you catch a gecko?

Well, let’s say: don’t try it after half a bottle of Waragi (local gin)…

house gecko inside windowframe

House gecko hiding in the corner of my windowframe

Aware that this little house gecko will rapidly grow thanks to our proximity to Namuwongo’s swamp, and its mosquito residents, I decide to try and catch the small gecko in the sitting-room and ‘release it back into the wild’.

“Now Keith, if you had helped me catch the gecko, this would not have happened!” (The gecko would not have run away from us in a panic, leaving his tail stuck to the wall… wiggling at me reproachfully, I might imagine).

Should sachet Waragi be banned

It’s just a few hundred Uganda shillings (a few cents or pence) for a sachet of Waragi – making strong liquor very accessible

So there it is I’m afraid: Uganda Waragi ‘UG’ and conservation do not mix.

Uganda Waragi new label billboard Entebbe Road

Uganda Waragi has had a makeover: new label being advertised on a billboard at Kibuye roundabout, Entebbe Road, Kampala

Note to reader: Uganda Waragi and tonic however do mix rather well!

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