First days in Nam’ – a lesson in Luganda
Mar 1, 09

2 ring gas cooker. kitchen Kampala

Talk about “Deepest Darkest Africa!”

No electricity (or hot water or internet) for first three nights in Namuwongo, Kampala.

Cooked and showered by candlelight (it’s dark here by 7 pm) and no chance to unpack first night, so wandered around in the dark, not knowing what was where, mosquitoes screeching in my ears.

No credit on Ugandan mobile phone and UK phone one not working.

It’s probably good that I can’t see what I’m eating (some tomato and egg combination).

Battle against insects

So much for conservation: anything with more than 4 legs must die.

My Luganda phrase book is coming in more useful than thought: its dead mosquito-scarred cover is testament to a few long evenings with nothing else to do!

I have enjoyed giving the mozzies a Lesson in Luganda – THWACK!

Drums and singing took my mind off mozzies for a moment. The sound was captivating. The village is a hundred yards or so away and with all the windows open sound was coming from every direction, it was like being in a dream.

fixing mosquito net frame
My colleagues Patrick and Simpson fixing mosquito net to the bedframe for me


“The people they are welcoming you. Did you hear them?”

Simpson asked me.

Tried writing some of my diary by candlelight too but was getting dive bombed by a mosquito every two minutes.

It’s bloody relentless. Retired to sanctuary of mozzie net for the night …

Introducing Johnny and Julie… my four-legged mosquito-munching house guests.

Salvation! Geckos in the house!

house gecko on skirting board
house gecko loves mosquitoes!

Just hope they’re hungry – for mosquitoes…

I’m just going to have to get used to the sound of mosquitoes. Thought I was clever bringing earplugs with me but I can still hear the ba**ards with them in! Must’ve killed ten mosquitoes tonight…

3 thoughts on “First days in Nam’ – a lesson in Luganda”

  1. lizziema says:

    Will we enjoy a holiday with you?

  2. Charlie says:

    don’t you normally?

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