The call of the wild
Apr 3, 11

Uganda Kob and termite mounds in Murchison Falls National Park

I feel in limbo today. I’m waiting for friends to come back, I’m waiting for them to go, I’m waiting to get better, I’m waiting for a call. I should be promoting the new blog but I’ve run out of steam.

The three day week feels more like a six day week and I’m getting tired, wondering if even considering writing a book – yet another area of my life that I have to run and manage on my own – is just madness.

Last week my laptop went into complete meltdown. I was warned I had probably lost the laptop and everything on it: this year’s work, unpublished ‘blogs in progress,’ my entire music collection … I put off how that would feel … it seems I may be lucky and I may get it all back. But I’ve ‘lost a week’ and had to type all week when I could have been saving my wrist by using my dictaphone.

Thank god we have electricity today at least.

Six months left with UCF, still so much I’ve committed to do and projects that keep coming at me from all sides – at least that’s what it feels like.

I need a break. 

Patrick says we’ll be go off to the bush once the big donor report is out of the way… that’ll take longer than we think; these big reports always do.

I need to be in the bush. I need to reconnect with my reason for being here.

One thought on “The call of the wild”

  1. lizziema says:

    Sounds grim, but you have lots of grit and determination!

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