Tanzania bans plastic bags – travellers take note!
May 31, 19

plastic bags. PHOTO Nation Media Group

Tanzania bans plastic carrier bags – travellers take note!

Visitors to Tanzania should take note that the government has just announced the banning of plastic carrier bags, meaning you risk having them confiscated when you land in the country. The ban takes effect 1 June 2019.

The letter reads:

“Visitors to Tanzania are advised to avoid carrying plastic carrier bags or packing plastic carrier bags or items in plastic carrier bags in the suitcase or hand luggage before embarking on visits to Tanzania. Special desk will be designated at all entry points for surrender of plastic carrier bags the visitors may be bringing to Tanzania.

Plastic carrier items known as Ziploc bags that are specifically used to carry toiletries will be permitted as they are expected to remain in the permanent possession of visitors and are not expected to be disposed in the country.”

Tanzania plastic bag ban. Letter from government

Tanzania plastic carrier bag ban from 1 June 2019

“The government expects that, in appreciation of the imperative to protect the environment and keep our country clean and beautiful, our visitors will accept minor inconveniencies resulting from the plastic bags ban,” said a statement from the Vice President’s Office.

This is a good development for environmental protection in Tanzania. Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda all have similar laws banning the use of single use plastic bags or ‘cavera’. Enforcement however differs across the region. In Uganda, the plastic bags were first banned in 2009.

Rwanda is particularly strict on enforcing this ban and does indeed remove any carrier bags found on visitors travelling to the country. (I know, it’s happened to me). Kenya too is reporting success in removing the bags from circulation but in Uganda implementation is hit and miss. One excuse I heard is that all the alternative (cloth) bags have “been exported to Kenya because they need them!” What is Uganda doing about this? We are handing out plastic carrier bags again! Let’s hope Tanzania implements the law strictly and serves as a better example.

One thought on “Tanzania bans plastic bags – travellers take note!”

  1. the muzungu says:

    In another positive development for the environment in East Africa “President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya bans single-use plastic products in parks, beaches”
    The June 2019 article says:
    “Visitors to national parks, beaches, forests and conservation areas will not be allowed to carry disposable plates, cups, straws, spoons, forks and water bottles, which are considered major environmental pollutants.
    Plastics have become a major nuisance for the environment with many littering the oceans, forests and even blocking drainages.
    Kenya outlawed the use of plastics carrier bags in 2016 and has been considering extending the ban to other single-use products.”
    The ban will take effect on June 5, 2020.

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