Diary of a Muzungu’s travel highlights – across Uganda and Kenya
Jan 12, 13

Deo's Homestead tour Ishasha. muzungu matooke garden

The Muzungu’s travel highlights of 2012 – Kibale Forest, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls, community tourism in Mabira Forest, Lonely Planet, Nairobi – and two Royal Weddings!

Life in Uganda has tested me in many ways and 2012 was ‘challenging’ as we say around here – but I’m still here ‘living the dream’ (on a good day!)

The year ended on a real high, literally – waking up on Christmas Day in a treehouse overlooking Kibale Forest to the sound of chimpanzees and forest birds.

We had a feast! – with “all the trimmings” of a British Christmas dinner, including bread sauce, crackers, naff jokes, silly hats and Christmas stockings, all imported specially for the occasion.

metal trunk oven Uganda
A Kibale Forest special! The metal trunk oven worked a treat. We even had roast potatoes. Bahati cooks Christmas dinner for 12

Kibale Forest to Queen Elizabeth National Park

After Christmas we put the Baby Car (a.k.a. Mimi) through her paces. Our party of twelve people went on a 4 wheel driving adventure along the muddy marram tracks across heavenly crater lake country, en route to Queen Elizabeth National Park for a couple of days Safari, a luxury overnight in Volcanoes’ Kyambura Lodge and the most brilliant water safari and birdwatching day out on a boat trip on the Kazinga Channel. Simpson saw his first hippos and crocodiles! – I adore the waterways’ incredible birdlife (TWITCH!)

family pose, Queen Elizabeth Equator, Uganda
family pose, Queen Elizabeth Equator, Uganda

It’s almost a year since my last trip for our epic bird-ringing week-end at Julia’s amazing home in Kibale Forest – maybe that’s where I’ll write my book?  Chimp alert! or muzungu bolthole?

From there Julia and I travelled to the wide open savannah of Ishasha where we’d jumped in an elephant trench and had a go at maintaining the matooke (banana) plantation – all in a day’s work for the Bazungu!

Why I love elephant dung! tells the story.

Back in Kampala, my photographer friend Javi and I rocked up to State House, the President’s office. Javi asked me to collaborate with him on a book about Uganda and we have the makings of a great project – we just need someone to pay for it! And so we spent Valentine’s Day sweltering on the veranda as our 10 a.m. meeting got put back and back and back. By 4 p.m. we finally had our slot with one of the President’s Permanent Secretaries, a charming lady called Grace: but alas the answer was NO.

We didn’t get to meet The Man With The Hat (The Big Man) either. Boo, hoo Valentine’s Day, no red rose, no book deal, not nuffink.

Uganda souvenir map photo montage. Uganda travel blog
I love seeing everyone’s favourite Uganda memories – this one went back to Scotland with fellow VSO volunteers Stuart and Elisabeth

September saw the launch of the Uganda photo souvenir map Facebook page. The Uganda map is designed by Andrew Roberts, a UCF Director and co-editor of the Bradt travel guide. Special thanks to ‘Chimp Girl’ Julia Lloyd and Harriet ‘Ebola’ Fowler for commissioning photo maps and for all your support! Each montage is individually created with your photos and 10% of sales go to the Uganda Conservation Foundation to help fight poaching in the National Parks – now at its worst level in decades.

Poaching is fuelled mostly by the growth of the Chinese middle classes and facilitated by China’s growing networks and investments in East Africa. Check out my friend Anne-Marie’s brilliant article about poaching in Uganda, entitled There is a lot of it about.

In October, I was delighted to welcome fellow Lonely Planet* blogger, Isabel Romano, on her first trip to Africa. After a visit to Ggaba market on Lake Victoria and a relaxing lunch at Cassia Lodge taking in the view, Ronald and I introduced her to a very different view of Kampala: a visit to Namuwongo slum.

Hanging with the kids in Namuwongo slum. Uganda travel blog
Ugandan kids have the best smiles! Thanks to Isabel Romano of www.diariodeabordo.com for this fabulous photo

To find out more about some of the excellent development work in Namuwongo slums, check out Events for Namuwongo on Facebook.

My friend Ronald is a professional dog trainer based in Kampala. I love my walks with him and De Boys – Baldrick and Percy!

My favourite Uganda dog moments
The best friend a girl could have: the Dog with the Waggiest Tail. Coming to Uganda gave me the chance to have my first dog, Baldrick, my parter in crime in many of my blog stories. Here are some of my favourite moments.

Namuwongo is dear to my heart – the first place I lived in Uganda.

Murchison Falls National Park

I celebrated my birthday with Red Chilli’s at their camp in Murchison Falls National Park, where we partied all week-end to celebrate the camp’s tenth birthday. A percentage of all the camp’s profits go to support the Steve Willis Memorial Fund.

Anne-Marie and I should have known better: as we entered the Park, we opened the car doors in exactly the wrong spot letting vicious biting Tsetse flies loose in the car. We spent the weekend itching, scratching and regretting it!

Rothschild's Giraffe Murchison Falls National Park. Uganda travel blog
You can’t help but fall in love with the Rothschild’s Giraffes in  Murchison Falls National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Tembo Canteen on Mweya Peninsula in Queen Elizabeth is possibly the best location in the world to endure three days of PowerPoint presentations, with Mike Cant’s talk about mongooses being the highlight. Kabina squashed on a hard wooden benche, I loved reconnecting with my conservation friends for UWA’s research symposium: Dianah, Phionah and Richard from NatureUganda, Aggie and Dr Margaret from UWA, Gladys of Conservation Through Public Health, Alex, Erik and Emmanuel from UCF, Alastair and Andy from Wildlife Conservation Society. Poaching, invasive species, climate change and human wildlife conflict are just some of the big issues UWA is challenged with.

The weekend finished with a boat trip on the Kazinga Channel. The eager eyes of a warden even spotted a leopard, a distant dot high up on the hillside! We certainly didn’t expect to see a leopard in broad daylight from the boat, but that’s the wonderful thing about going on Safari – every outing is different.

Birds and bird watching in Uganda

By the way, if you like birds you might enjoy some of the muzungu’s Uganda birding stories, now grouped on one handy page inspired by attending the UK Bird Fair and hanging out with expert birders Roger, Malcolm, David Lindo ‘the Urban Birder’ and Aussie Chris Watson.

African Fish Eagles Kazinga Channel, Queen Elizabeth National Park
African Fish Eagles on the Kazinga Channel, Queen Elizabeth National Park

The best community tourism projects in Uganda are promoted by UCOTA

The UCOTA community tourism fam trip was another highlight. We had a lot of fun, as you will read in – Can you play the Xylophone? – and got to meet the real people living on the edges of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Theirs is not an easy life.

Honey never tasted so good!
Honey never tasted so good!

A wave of patriotism flooded Uganda in 2012 as the country celebrated 50 years of independence. Needless to say it also brought up a lot of discontent, mostly aimed at the current regime’s 26 years in power. My contribution to the party? 50 reasons why I love Uganda – my most popular blog ever.

A moment of feeling homesick…

I felt a twinge of homesickness as I thought of all my friends and family celebrating the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and the London Olympics. British expat friends dressed in the red, white and blue of the Union Jack and gathered round a TV set in Kololo to watch the celebrations along the Thames.

Cha, Amy and Jennie. Diamond Jubilee Kampala
Cha, Amy and Jennie. Diamond Jubilee Kampala
Diamond Jubilee. London Bridge on TV 2012
I was glad to be able to get a glimpse of London Bridge on TV. I felt quite homesick for a moment! Diamond Jubilee 2012

Uganda was delighted to welcome home the Marathon gold Olympic medallist Kipsoro. It seemed to be a typical Ugandan achievement – mpole, mpole ‘slowly by slowly’ – wait until the very last event to win a medal…! Ugandans are rightly proud of this homegrown talent, who actually trained in next door Kenya.

boda boda. Uganda travel blog
A wave of patriotism swept across Uganda in 2012. Boda boda photo courtesy of journalist photographer Amy Fallon http://www.amyfallon.com/

Running across East Africa, with the Hash House Harriers – and a Royal Wedding

I know a lot of talented runners. Kampala’s Seven Hills race (or does Kampala have 22 hills now?) certainly keeps us fit! At 1000 metres above sea level, rumour has it that if we train here in Kampala, we return to the lower lands of Europe with more stamina. (I certainly huffed and puffed my way up Tank Hill in Muyenga, Kampala for a few months before I acclimatised to the increase in altitude).

Buganda Kingdom wedding envelope
An invitation from the Buganda Kingdom

Regular Diary of a Muzungu blog readers will know of my Monday evening antics with the Kampala Hash House Harriers, that have taken me to all corners of Kampala, Jinja, Nairobi and even Ethiopia. I felt a million Muganda ladies sigh (and maybe a couple of Muzungu ones too) as the Buganda Kingdom announced the engagement of our friend Prince David Wassaja. We wish you all de best Federo! The Muzungu was honoured to be invited to the Buganda Royal Wedding.

De Prince tries to keep a low profile on the Kampala Jinja relay. Uganda travel blog
De Prince tries to keep a low profile as he passes villagers on the annual Kampala Jinja relay
Diary of a Muzungu. Wasajja royal wedding
I was honoured to attend the wedding of Prince Wasajja at the Lubiri in Mengo

Northern Uganda comes to Kampala

In April we welcomed back the sometimes controversial comedienne Jane Bussman to Kampala for another run of her award-winning show, entitled “The worst date ever – or how it took a comedy writer to expose Africa’s secret war.” It was a sell-out night in Kampala. All proceeds from Jane’s show went to complete construction of a house for ex-LRA child soldiers in Northern Uganda.

Meeting new tribes in Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi Sarit Centre. Diary of a Muzungu
The Muzungu and new friends from Turkana and Pokot tribes, Kenya. The tourism show at Nairobi’s Sarit Centre whet my appetite for more East African travel

Check out the Muzungu with my new friends – the guy looks very cute! Kenya is only a bus ride away and I need to explore the country further!

The two are not connected 😉

Shopping sugarcane plantation, Mabira, Jinja
We stopped for a spot of shopping – in the middle of the sugarcane plantation, Mabira, Jinja

Griffin Falls Ecocamp, Mabira Forest, Jinja

Set in the heart of Mabira Forest, Griffin Falls campsite is a charming little hideaway.

Enkima red-tailed monkey mural, Griffin Falls Camp, Mabira
Enkima red-tailed monkey mural, one of many on display at Griffin Falls Camp, Mabira

The banda accommodation and food are basic and cheap; if you’re happy with cold bucket showers and a kerosene lamp, you’ll love this place. Isla and I hired bikes for a guided tour of the Forest and the Falls and I even saw my first Grey Cheeked Mangabey! Hussein and Peter (tel +256(0)751949368 / +256(0)751955671) are very friendly and knowledgeable about the forest’s birds and trees, under threat from so-called developers. The campsite is a real gem.

PHEW! Well I’ve worn myself out just reliving all of that lot…! Time for a lie-down now…

So what does the New Year hold for the Muzungu?

2013 is my year – and hopefully Uganda’s too, after National Geographic voted Uganda one of the top 20 places to visit in 2013.

*Sadly, after four years, Lonely Planet has dropped its links with Diary of a Muzungu and the 100s of other travel bloggers featured on its web site, after Lonely Planet was sold to the BBC. Farewell #lp we’ve had a good run. We in Uganda loved being Lonely Planet’s no. 1 destination to visit in 2012 and working with Lonely Planet bloggers to create a free downloadable book of photography was a personal highlight.

Moving house Ugandan style. PHOTO Mark Thriscutt
Moving house Ugandan style. PHOTO Mark Thriscutt

Diary of a Muzungu now accepts guest posts so if you have a story you want to share with the world, please get in touch! Thanks to my first guest blogger Mark Penhallow for a hilarious blog about Driving in Kampala

If you haven’t visited Uganda yet, feel free to explore my blog or drop the Muzungu an email for more Uganda and East Africa travel ideas. Wishing you an adventure-filled New Year!

6 thoughts on “Diary of a Muzungu’s travel highlights – across Uganda and Kenya”

  1. Les Lloyd says:

    Happy New Year, Charlotte! I hope 2013 is the year you take off – if you haven’t already done so!
    See you in June.
    Best wishes

    1. the muzungu says:

      Thanks Les! We missed you at Xmas in Kibale! I bet you’re impressed with the oven though? I thought it was ace. It’s up there with your jerry can inventions 🙂

  2. Natalia says:

    Hi Charlotte, Happy New Year to you! Let it be full of joy, new travels and good people around you. Love reading your blog with Ugandan tune on the background. Hugs and kisses from London, Natalia

    1. the muzungu says:

      Happy New Year to you too Natalia! Thanks for the message. I have a feeling 2013 is gonna be a good one for me. Love to London! Seems a million miles away right now. Hope you’re well and happy, Cha x

  3. Windy says:

    Hi there.
    Someone in my Facebook group shared this website with
    us so I came to check it out. I’m enjoying the information! Great blog

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