Getting wrecked in Cape Town
Dec 16, 09

Kassiesbaai blue sky, Western Cape, South Africa

The South African coastline – particularly near the Cape – is littered with shipwrecks and Arniston (Waenhuiskrans) takes its name from the ship that was wrecked here in 1815.

Only six of the 378 on board survived.

Next to it is Kassiesbaai, the tiny fishing village ‘where the coloureds live’. I find the whole race / how you refer to people’s ethnicity a real struggle in South Africa. I find it hard to get my head round the ‘funny foreign sounding’ place names in South Africa too. In Uganda I’ve become used to African names; and now they’re Afrikaans and English and my brain doesn’t compute (aren’t we still in Africa?) I hadn’t realised either just how many coloureds (God this is a minefield) speak Afrikaans as their first language. I say I only speak English and the reply still comes back in Afrikaans.

While out shopping one day, I’m mistaken for the mother of Odille, the South African baby adopted by W-A (two of H’s friends have adopted orphans). It’s an interesting feeling.

baby Odille

Baby Odille – what a cute chick!


Agulhas. Indian Ocean meets Atlantic. South Africa

Agulhas, where the Indian Ocean meets the Atlantic Ocean. South Africa


Cape Agulhas, ‘the southernmost point of Africa,’ and where the Atlantic meets the Indian Ocean, was worth the trip, just for the fun we had larking about at the monument. The rockpools were teaming with life and the quaint but charming tearoom under the lighthouse was very welcoming but we were on a mission: “Alan wants chips” so we trotted off down the road for a ‘Hake and Calamari Combo’ in the sunshine outside the fish and chip shop.

Considerable energy was focused on eating and drinking during my three weeks in South Africa. Considerable time was invested in arguing over controversial topics such as “do you like grapes in salad? or scrambled eggs on Marmite on toast?” as we ate large breakfasts, discussed what we were having for lunch – and what we needed to buy for dinner.

Introducing Waterkloof Winery

So with food, wine (and little else) in mind, next stop was the Waterkloof winery, above Sir Lowry’s Pass, for a fabulous lunch and some sensational wine (I particularly liked the rosé). It was very exciting to eat there during its first week of opening.

Exterior of Waterkloof Winery, Western Cape, South Africa

Exterior of Waterkloof Winery, Western Cape. The winery has breathtaking views across False Bay

Waterkloof Winery, vineyard. Western Cape

Waterkloof Winery, Western Cape view of the recently planted vines. December 2009

What a fantastic day: my first time with family for 9 months & a quick drive round the Waterkloof estate. (I was very envious to hear K and P had ridden the estate on horseback that morning!) Waterkloof has a breathtaking view across False Bay and Cape Town. The planting of indigenous plants along the roadside was interesting to see, as were the large artworks on display (and sale) and the combination of traditional production methods and a very modern restaurant …

Lunch at Waterkloof Winery, Western Cape. South Africa

Lunch at Waterkloof Winery, Western Cape. South Africa. The food was simply out of this world!


Waterkloof Winery lunch. South Africa

A superb lunch with my aunt and uncle and friends at Waterkloof Winery. South Africa

I have to ask myself: back in Uganda, is matooke ever going to taste the same?

Nairobi, Johannesburg, Arniston, Betty’s Bay, Cape Town, I certainly packed a lot in: new cultures, new friends, two job offers, family time, an underwater meeting with Great White Sharks, my first whale sightings, even a few more freckles.

Only one thing missing from this story: a man – and I’ve been working on that one … (or has he been working on me?)

3 thoughts on “Getting wrecked in Cape Town”

  1. lizziema says:

    Oh you do leave us hanging there at the end Cha?
    What a tease. Sounds like a fabulous trip though, which hopefully we will have with you if we can a. get out of our snowbound village b get to Heathrow c take off…………. another cliffhanger! See you soon with the Marmite, chocolate fruit cake etc…

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