Eek! from the forest + podcast loading
Apr 8, 23

Charlotte Diary of a Muzungu travel podcaster with Bryan Kisembo, Uganda

👋🏼 Hello from my forest nest (as my mum calls it!)

It’s wonderful to be home on the edge of Kibale Forest, reconnecting with nature for a few weeks. Ahhhh, the simple pleasures of dawn chorus (and the snooze button!)

Mind you, I confess: the sight of termites was a rather alarming wake-up call this morning. Eek. We’re loathe to use any chemicals here at Sunbird Hill so let’s hope the application of a few litres of old engine oil will stop their munching of my lovely wooden house… !

Cottage Sunbird Hill Kibale Forest Uganda. Charlotte Beauvoisin
Home is a wooden cottage at Sunbird Hill on the edge of Kibale Forest in western Uganda. PHOTO CREDIT Charlotte Beauvoisin

I’m back in Kibale Forest after a busy fortnight in Kampala. It was fun to be back in the training room, sharing digital marketing tips with some of the tour operators, lodges and activities that feature in our Travel Directory. My experience co-developing a training curriculum for tour operators (with colleagues from Uganda, South Africa and the Netherlands) has proved very inspiring 🤩

At the same time, we’ve been busy putting the final touches on a brand-new version of Diary of a Muzungu – now live!

Fun fun fun! We took the photo at the top of this page while Bryan Kisembo and I were recording the first podcast episodes here on the edge of Kibale National Park.

I’m thrilled that one of my first podcast interviewees is the British TV sports commentator Rob Walker. I caught up with Rob when he revisited Uganda as a guest of the Uganda Tourism Board. In his interview, he tells us all about his amazing trip: tracking the gorillas in Bwindi, meeting up with his buddy Joshua Cheptegai (and sinking a few Nile Specials!)

British TV sports commentator Rob Walker revisited Uganda in 2023
British TV sports commentator Rob Walker said a resounding YES to every selfie request that came his way! (Photo bombing moment with Natty Dread at the Uganda Media Centre in Kampala)

During the last Olympics, Rob’s spontaneous live commentary touched the hearts of a nation after Ugandan athlete Joshua Cheptegei won a Gold medal.

And what unadulterated joy this win will have triggered back home in Uganda – one of the friendliest, most beautiful countries you could ever wish to visit!

Rob Walker
Rob’s enthusiasm for Uganda knows no limits. His enthusiasm is contagious!

If Diary of a Muzungu has been quiet recently, know that we have bigger and better things planned for you! 😉

The podcast launches soon soon. Register for notification when the podcast goes live.

5 thoughts on “Eek! from the forest + podcast loading”

  1. Commentator who went viral in Uganda enjoys ‘incredible’ tour of country

    Olympic broadcaster Rob Walker said: ‘I’ve never been treated like that. I’ve never been made to feel so welcome.’

    Article in the UK’s Independent newspaper.

  2. Mihai says:

    Hello,i,am from Europe,i red you post about Men from Uganda…
    I not know men from Uganda, but i think the woman it’s the same as men,i speek with many woman to internet for”serious relation-dating”and i sey: Uganda and Kenya woman not trust-like to lie…
    I think person good in both country but rare…i Like black people,i,am not racist,for me is only color of skin…And i want to give two tips for men or woman:
    For men: In Madagascar is honest woman(i talk with many woman)but not all,but majority!
    For woman:This tip not important white or black, IF a woman want to have boyfriend and next step married with a men from Uganda or Kenya:first thing before falling in love with him, to have sex with him,to meet with his family(parents,sister,brother),to view him job and all is good and view not lie make next step.

    1. the muzungu says:

      Hi Mihai
      Interesting comments.
      I’m sure your advice is good for all of us: it’s always best to get to know a person well (meeting their family, finding out their emploiyment status, etc) before hopping into bed with them or promising them the moon! The downside of internet dating is it’s so easy to contact anyone and make endless promises that can’t easily be verified…
      Wishing you all the best.
      P.S. I gave up the dating scene. Too much nonsense!

      I’ve written a few posts about dating in Uganda.

  3. lizziema says:

    Great little video of Rob in Uganda, really give the flavour of the country.

    1. the muzungu says:

      Yes it’s a great little snapshot of the Pearl of Africa, isn’t it?

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