Chimp Empire – Kibale’s chimpanzees star on Netflix!
May 24, 23

Chimp Empire Netflix documentary filmed Ngogo, Kibale Forest Uganda ft

Chimp Empire was filmed in Ngogo, Kibale Forest “the primate capital of the world,” Western Uganda

Regular Diary of a Muzungu readers know that I am “blogger in residence” at Sunbird Hill on the edge of Kibale Forest, western Uganda, famous for its population of several hundred – often vocal – chimpanzees. (Did you know I can lie in bed hearing the chimps call?)

Netflix’ latest release is Chimp Empire, set in Ngogo, a section of Kibale National Park that is dedicated to research and monitoring of our great ape cousins. The trailer is thrilling! PANT HOOTS and congratulations to everyone involved in this phenomenal Netflix production. Chimp Empire charts two years in the lives of dozens of Kibale Forest’s chimps. (I doubt any Hollywood blockbuster can contain more drama than the real lives of our Closest Cousins!)

Chimp Empire Netflix documentary. Ngogo, Kibale Forest, Uganda 2023
Chimp Empire Netflix documentary filmed in Ngogo, Kibale Forest, Uganda released 2023

Known as “our closest relative” humans and chimpanzees share almost the same DNA. Our similarities are evidenced in chimps’ complex relationships, emotions, differing personalities, advanced forms of communication, the ability to use tools, and so much more. They are beautiful, beguiling and hilarious too!

Chimp Empire Netflix trailer. Ngogo, Kibale Forest, Uganda

I never fail to get excited when we hear chimpanzees. Watch the trailer and you’ll understand why! These creatures are fascinating in their own right, but their close link to us makes their appeal even more compelling. Chimp tracking is one of the big draws to Uganda. Kibale National Park isn’t the only protected area where you can view chimps, but it is the best known.

Chimp Empire Netflix trailer. Ngogo, Kibale Forest, Uganda
Chimp Empire on Netflix. Filmed at Ngogo, Kibale Forest, Uganda

“Chimp Empire: Survival is in Our Nature” is a four-part docume;ntary series that was released on April 19 2023. The series was directed by two Academy Award® winners: James Reed, Co-Director of My Octopus Teacher (an unusual and moving film set off the coast of South Africa) and narrated by Winner Mahershala Ali.

What’s it like to track chimps in the wild? Read my personal account of chimp tracking in Kibale Forest or contact one of the tour operators in my Travel Directory.

Ngogo is just a few km from my home at Sunbird Hill.

2 thoughts on “Chimp Empire – Kibale’s chimpanzees star on Netflix!”

  1. Charlotte AKA Nagawa says:

    *Spoiler alert*

    Here’s the Latest on the Chimps in ‘Chimp Empire’
    Tragic deaths, power-shifting births and a few disappearances; here’s what’s happened since filming ended.

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