Where to travel in Uganda & East Africa in 2016 – the Muzungu’s plans
Jan 2, 16

Uganda photo souvenir maps

Where to travel in Uganda & East Africa in 2016

Happy New Year, dear Diary reader!

As we wave goodbye to 2015, I’d like to say a big THANK YOU / WEBALE / ASANTE SANA to everyone who’s read, talked about or voted Diary of a Muzungu ‘Best Tourism Digital Media’ 2015 in Uganda’s inaugural Tourism Excellence Awards.

Diary of a Muzungu ‘Best Tourism Digital Tourism’ in Uganda’s inaugural Tourism Excellence Awards

‘Best Tourism Digital Media’ in Uganda’s inaugural Tourism Excellence Awards.

Here are a few popular stories of 2015, in case you missed them:

On the right track: the Muzungu’s first Ugandan train ride – Rift Valley Railways relaunches Kampala passenger train service after 20 year break. People loved this story.

The drama of dating in Uganda | Expat section of the Daily Telegraph – this one went viral…YIKES!

Karibu! – welcome to East Africa Pope Francis! I’m a bit loved-up if I’m honest! 😉

Karibu! – and welcome to East Africa! – Pope Francis

Karibu! – and welcome to East Africa! – Pope Francis

Do stick around Dear Reader, here’s what’s planned for 2016:

More adventures…

More fun days out…

More culture and conservation experiences from across Uganda and East Africa.

Is there anything cuter than a baby elephant?

In Nairobi, I’ll tell you the story of the adorable baby elephants at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. I left streaked in mud, as one nuzzled upto me and flapped his big elephant ear against my arm…

Elephant orphan at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Nairobi

Elephant orphan at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Nairobi

Aren’t chimps amazing?

I’m very excited at my upcoming return to Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary on Lake Victoria. PANT HOOTS!

Feeding time at Ngamba Island Chimp Sanctuary

PANT HOOTS! Say the chimps at feeding time, Ngamba Island Chimp Sanctuary

Have you heard of the Marine Big Five? What are they? And where can you see them?

Come dolphin watching and snorkelling with the Muzungu in Watamu on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast. Incredible!

dolphin watching with the Watamu Marine Asociation Kenya

Dolphin watching and snorkelling in the Coral Gardens in Watamu on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast with the Watamu Marine Asociation

What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?

Rothschild's Giraffe Center Nairobi

Feeding a Rothschild’s Giraffe at the Giraffe Center Nairobi

You may be surprised! In 2016, I’ll be telling you how we fed the Rothschild’s giraffes at Nairobi’s Giraffe Center.


These are just a few of the places we’ll be discovering together in 2016…

DID YOU KNOW…? Daily updates, Uganda travel advice and random funky photos come thick and fast on my Diary of a Muzungu Facebook page or follow me @CharlieBeau on Twitter.

2016’s going to be a busy year for Diary of a Muzungu – do come along for the ride!

5 thoughts on “Where to travel in Uganda & East Africa in 2016 – the Muzungu’s plans”

  1. zipporah says:

    wow it is great to have seen the website, i wish i could join you there., my desire is to experience the life in uganda, and stay there

    1. the muzungu says:

      Uganda is a great place to live or visit. You might enjoy one of my most popular blogs 50 reasons why I love Uganda

      1. joyce says:

        i wanna live at uganda ilove some much uganda

  2. Doshi says:

    I wish to stay in kampala or jinja it’s so beautiful i was there last year and was impressed by the beauty of the country

    1. the muzungu says:

      Yes, both places are beautiful in very different ways… I love the energy of KampalaKampala is the liveliest city in East Africa! and eating fish on the shores of Lake Victoria. In Jinja, I love the River Nile and all the adventure activities on the water.
      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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