Sir Winston Churchill’s pearls of wisdom about Uganda
Apr 15, 12

Sir Winston Churchill famously said of Uganda:

“Uganda is the Pearl of Africa.”

I wonder what he would make of how often the 21st-century Ugandan tourist industry quotes his words? At Entebbe airport, visitors are invited to fill in immigration forms proudly stating “welcome to the Pearl of Africa.”

But another more general quote of his, that I came across by accident last week, that resonates even more with me in Uganda.

Despite the wall-to-wall Technicolor blue skies, endless radiant green fields and plantations, the vibrant red earth and even more vibrant Ugandan people, working in a developing country can really test your patience:

Power that ‘chucks’ (computers flick on and off at work and every other evening we’re without electricity),

the dust,

slow Internet with frequent service interruptions (which stupid ba#t$rd has dropped an anchor on the cable under the Indian Ocean disconnecting the WHOLE of East Africa this time?)

bureaucracy that makes you want to bang head against the wall (or bang someone’s head anyway),

the dust,

37° in the middle of the day and you’re stuck to the plastic seat of your car in another unnecessary traffic jam,

swerving to avoid the crater-like potholes that reappear after every heavy rainfall, mosquitoes,

workers who are too busy reading the daily paper from cover to cover to notice that you’re waiting to be served,

lack of recycling facilities (man, that irks me),

not a Prêt a Manager or M&S Food in sight (!)

the dust,

mobile phone networks that charge you for your SMS but don’t deliver them,

blood-boiling evangelicals who blast me with bullshit as I’m stuck in rush-hour traffic,

corrupt traffic police who are too busy pocketing money for school fees to help us get to work on time,

taxi drivers who double their fare just because you’re a Muzungu,

people at conferences and training programs insisting on per diems (attendance fees).

I could go on …


Walking the streets of London’s Camden Town last week, the words of a postcard in a shop jumped out at me:

Sir Winston Churchill's pearls of wisdom about Uganda. Sir Winston Churchill Uganda

Winston Churchill had plenty to say about Uganda and called the country the Pearl of Africa. Elsewhere he wrote “NEVER NEVER NEVER Give Up” – he never had to contend with Umeme (electricity) or MTN (mobile phones) though!

 Sir, you saved me. I’m more indebted to you than you could possibly imagine.


16 thoughts on “Sir Winston Churchill’s pearls of wisdom about Uganda”

  1. Kat says:

    Haha…glad to hear you’re coping withlife in our Uganda. Everything here is as you say it is. I remember that internet fiasco! It enraged me no end. And the umeme! I remember sending in email complaining (not my first) to which, once again, they replied by giving me a call to explain. I was fascinated, I had never expected Our own umeme to actually have a customer service team. Not that they gave me back my power. Lately it’s been steady, though. I haven’t had my power go off in ages! shocker.

    1. the muzungu says:

      Hi Kat thanks for your comment. Well, I MOSTLY cope with life in Uganda – I do go a bit nuts occasionally! but I find a tot or two of Uganda Waragi normally sorts things out 😉

  2. lizziema says:

    I accidentally posted to FB! What I said was I have visited and know that you are not exaggerating and look at the conditions for you as being like struggling around in a pot of glue. Well done you, but also well done Ugandans who have made so much progress in recent years, despite the conditions.

    1. the muzungu says:

      Uganda is certainly on the up … but could and should be doing better by now. Interesting debate with Spain this week “Spain is not Uganda” said their Prime Minsiter. Well, actually Uganda has positive growth and Spain has none…

  3. Franklin says:

    Uganda is indeed the pearl of Africa. where else can u observe lions prowling in the open plain in the morning and track chimps that same afternoon before staring into the eyes of the mountain gorilla the following day?
    as for Spain’s Prime Minister, he doesn’t know any better.

    1. the muzungu says:

      I have a feeling the Spanish PM must know a lot more about Uganda after last week’s comment! Maybe we should invite him to come visit? Mind you, he probably can’t afford the airfare…

  4. budoto willy says:

    Yah, that’s Uganda, my Country, my home. Oh, how I LOVE IT. Once I lived somewhere else where things were much better in that aspect, but it wasn’t home. We have come a long way and are still going, when all seems to be frustrating, don’t loose your cool… soon you realize there is no need to! life goes on.

  5. Mercy says:

    This is some thing else he said about Kigezi, a land in the south western part of Uganda. That it is the switzerland of Africa. That has made me identify with switzerland. I always tell people that my honey moon has got to be in Switzerland. if not the one of europe, then the one of Uganda

    The landscape is stunning, simply beautiful
    The sky is so blue, that’s when not white
    The lakes tempt like nude virgins
    The roads wind like snakes
    Amazing, though it is cold
    Hugs from its Lilly-like humorous ladies
    and ecstatic dances from its prowess men
    Will make your night
    The country side is a master piece of art work
    The hills, a perfect definition of natural grandeur
    Blanketed in beautiful patterns of terraced gardens
    Manifesting the proficiency of the master architect
    The melodic songs from birds are spiritual
    The forests stand tall and confident
    Giving an impression of virgins
    Waiting to be married off
    The invisible hand of the master is still at work
    This is nature’s splendor
    The green paradise, a treasure chest
    The remarkable Kigezi
    The switzerland of Africa

    1. the muzungu says:

      Thanks for sharing your poem Mercy. Possibly only the third on this blog 🙂
      Kigezi is a very beautiful part of UG – I think a honeymoon in the Switzerland of Africa would be great – [the European one is only warm half the year through. Rest of the year it is covered in snow… ]

  6. Marcus cicero says:

    Great article. I’m just wondering why you find the preaching at the streets rather bullshit or lackadaisical.

    1. the muzungu says:

      The preaching is just aural abuse! I find it really offensive to be shouted at like that when I am just minding my own business.
      They are hardly lackadaisical – MEANING ‘lacking life, spirit, or zest.’ They have too much of all three!

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