Early morning sights and sounds
Feb 4, 11

A parrot just flew overhead, its unmistakeable call heralding fun.

It’s a misty morning but you can tell it’s going to be a bright day. As we walk up Muyenga Hill, a glimpse of Lake Victoria in the distance never fails to lift my spirits.

It seems my favourite ‘worst’ road is being improved. This steep marram road was incredibly difficult to navigate, especially after the rain, even in a 4 x 4. I saw a matatu minibus taxi stuck here once, marooned for the night, forcing the passengers to disembark in the pitch darkness into a churned up sea of red clay.

I love cutting across this clear open patch of ground between the houses. A few large mango and jackfruit trees remain and the open stretch of land is cultivated with maize and cassava. Kampala is one enormous construction site so it won’t be long before the crops here give way to a new building.

“Baldrick loves his walks!” exclaimed Ronald last week.

dog, Bukasa quarry, Muyenga

Baldrick looking into one of the pools in Bukasa quarry, Muyenga

dogs, Bukasa quarry, Muyenga

Baldrick and Percy on a rock ledge overlooking a pool in Bukasa quarry, Muyenga

Baldrick is excitedly sniffing the area. Any moment now he’ll run across the field.

Poison release training’ with Ronald seems to be working well – in the compound. Out here the training continues. Twice I had to shout at him “DROP IT!” There’s still plenty of sniffing going on. (I wonder what a bloodhound looks like? I think to myself as I watch Baldrick run with his nose skimming the ground).

As we walk back down the hill, we pass a man standing in front of his house, handsome and bare-chested, a traditional African kanga wrapped around his waist, a little baby in each arm. He smiles and points out ‘mbwa’ – the dog – to his children.

A sight for sore eyes! I amble home with a smile on my face.

Recorded on my digital Dictaphone one morning.

7 thoughts on “Early morning sights and sounds”

  1. lizziema says:

    You set he scene beautifully, I feel I am back there…..

  2. lizzziema says:

    Sounds gorjuss and cool…. till it’s hot.

    1. the muzungu says:

      You can’t beat the smell of the damp earth in the morning 🙂

  3. Pingback: Was Toto right?
  4. the muzungu says:

    If you are in Uganda and have a dog that you want to take out of the country, you might find my blog useful. It’s a detailed account of one person – and their dog’s – experience of organising the travel and medical documents for a flight overseas, in this particular case, to the UK. Requirements are similar for many countries.

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