Six weeks to go!
Jan 14, 09

endless packing everywhere you look

Six weeks to go and I’ve started packing up my life!

Rob has confirmed he will take on my flat for two years. What a relief!

Very first thing in bag is the Union Jack, a spontaneous £2 purchase yesterday.

“You never know when you might need it!” Ana said. (Don’t you just love it that our national flag is Made in China?)

Next thing to pack is Body Shop gift set from work colleague Julie – no need to forego luxury completely just because I’m a volunteer 😉

It was hard to relax at home last week. Everywhere I looked there were decisions to be made: keep it? bin it? recycle it? pack it? It took me ages to get to sleep.

Getting my head round the task in hand now, which will be a lot easier now I’ve roped The Lovely Michele into helping me pack! God I love that woman! She suggested I start by emptying the massive walk-in wardrobe in hallway (the old boiler cupboard). This is where I plan to store my personal effects while I’m away. Success! Have packed or recycled nearly half the clothes in there (three rails of the stuff).

winter wardrobe

Don’t think I’ll be needing all these winter clothes in Uganda!

My brain started going into a spin trying to work out what I was going to do with everything. Good to get the size 16 trousers out of the house, won’t be needing them again, that’s a promise! Had fun trying on some old clothes, including a suit I bought five years ago that I only wore once cos it was just a bit on the small side. I slipped it on as David Bowie’s “Fashion” came on the IPOD and I danced up and down the hallway in it. Feel happy to pass the suit on now I know it’s too big. Joy!

My tenant is a gardener! I’m leaving all my pots and plants on the walkway outside my front door and I’m hoping he’ll take an interest in the hanging baskets and flowerbeds too. I received a small grant from John Laing last year for a ‘community gardening project’ and there’s £200 left to spend on plants. It would be great, particularly for Michele, if Rob wants to get involved.

I really hope he does garden. I don’t want our hard work to go to waste.

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